Reward: 5 G
Objective: You need to complete Chapter 1 on Any Difficulty Level
任何難度完成第一關卡 .
A Steep Descent
Reward: 10 G
Objective: You need to complete Chapter 2 on Any Difficulty Level
任何難度完成第二關卡 .
A Decent Animal
Reward: 15 G
Objective: You need to complete Chapter 3 on Any Difficulty Level
任何難度完成第三關卡 .
Emergency Room
Reward: 20 G
Objective: You need to complete Chapter 4 on Any Difficulty Level
任何難度完成第四關卡 .
Gone Shopping
Reward: 25 G
Objective: You need to complete Chapter 5 on Any Difficulty Level
任何難度完成第五關卡 .
Reward: 30 G
Objective: You need to complete the Game on Any Difficulty Level
任何難度 , 玩完全部關卡 .
Reward: 50 G
Objective: You need to complete Half the Game on Contractor Difficulty
選 "Contractor" 困難度 , 完成一半關卡.
Reward: 100 G
Objective: You need to complete the Game on Contractor Difficulty
選 "Contractor" 困難度 , 玩完成全部關卡.
Meat Bag
Reward: 15 G
Objective: You need to use 15 enemies as human shields
利用15個敵人 , 當人肉盾牌.
( 靠近敵人按 LB )
Reward: 15 G
Objective: You need to charge through 20 enemies
利用 " 猛衝 " 衝撞20個敵人 .
( 對準敵人 , 按住 A 就可衝撞敵人 . )
The Beast
Reward: 50 G
Objective: You need to kill 6,666 people in Campaign
在故事模式中,殺 6,666 個敵人
( 按 暫停 選 statistics 看 "Enemies Killed"就可知目前殺敵數 . )
Reward: 10 G
Objective: You need to kill 3 or more enemies with a single grenade
用一顆手榴彈 , 炸死3名敵人 .
( 利用挾持敵人時,將3名敵人儘量靠近 ,按 A 放倒,再送一顆 "芭剌" 給他們 . )
Reward: 20 G
Objective: You need to kill 150 enemies with a pistol
用手槍殺 150 個敵人 .
Old Faithful
Reward: 20 G
Objective: You need to kill 400 enemies with assault rifles, sub machinguns or shotguns
用步槍,機槍,散彈槍殺 400 個敵人 .
One Shot, One Kill
Reward: 20 G
Objective: You need to kill 100 enemies with a sniper rifle
用狙擊槍,殺 100 個敵人 .
Quick Draw
Reward: 15 G
Objective: You need to kill 25 enemies with a quick draw from mock surrender
在詐降中,殺 25 個敵人.
( 在詐降劇情中,按 A 詐降 , 再按 A 跪下 , 這時可按 LT 會出現手槍準心模式 , 開槍時會有慢動作 , 要一槍爆頭才算 . )
Open Hand Slap!
Reward: 15 G
Objective: You need to kill 50 enemies with a melee or bayonet
用挌鬥技或刺刀 , 殺 50 個敵人 .
( 靠近敵人按 B )
Reward: 25 G
Objective: You must survive an entire level in one session without being downed on normal difficulty or above
選 "normal"普通度 或 "Contractor"困難度 , 不死完成一個關卡 .
Not So Bad After All
Reward: 10 G
Objective: You need to tie up 15 enemy combatants instead of executing them
利用挾持敵人時 , 捆綁15個敵人 .
( 靠近敵人按 LB ,再壓下左香菇 LT 捆綁放倒 . )
Reward: 10 G
Objective: You need to heal your partner 10 times
急救同伴 10 次 .
( 靠近同伴按住 A )
Co-Op Sniper
Reward: 10 G
Objective: You need to Co-Op Snipe 5 enemies
與同伴 , 同時狙擊不同敵人5 次 .
( 會出現按 A 倒數計時 , 同時開槍狙擊即可 . )
Attention Grabber
Reward: 10 G
Objective: You need to allow your partner to snipe 5 guys while in Mock Surrender
在詐降中,用狙擊槍殺 5 個敵人 .
( 最好與朋友玩合作模式 , 一個在前詐降 , 一個在後狙擊 . )
In Synch
Reward: 10 G
Objective: You need to kill two enemies with simultaneous Quick Draws while in Co-op Mock Surrender
在詐降中 , 同一時間用手槍殺2名敵人 .
( 最好與朋友玩合作模式 . )
Pumpkin Patch
Reward: 10 G
Objective: You need to shoot 2 enemies in the head with a single bullet
一槍爆頭2名敵人 .
Total FistBump Destruction
Reward: 10 G
Objective: You need to finish the game as best friends
最佳伙伴 , 完成全部關卡 .
( 在最後關卡完成,要安裝C4紅色大門前,多次對同伴按 A [ 對同伴讚賞! ] , 直到按暫停畫面,可看見左下角 "Partnership" 伙伴關係 , 現出 "Ambiguous ..." [ 曖昧的,不明確的.斷背的? ] , 方可炸門進入 , 就可解開成就. )
Total Fistbump Deflation
Reward: 10 G
Objective: You need to finish the game in a fractured friendship
最爛損友 , 完成全部關卡 .
( 同上 , 多次對同伴按 B [ 對同伴肚爛! ] , 直到按暫停畫面,可看見左下角 "Partnership" 伙伴關係 , 現出 "Hateful ...". [ 可恨的,討厭的. ] , 方可炸門進入 , 就可解開成就 . )也可重讀記錄,一次解另一個成就 .
The Truth Is Right Here
Reward: 20 G
Objective: You need to listen to all of the Radio Broadcasts
收集到14台收音機 .
Loot and Pillage
Reward: 20 G
Objective: You need to collect $1,000,000
收集到 $1,000,000
( 大概玩 1.5~2 輪就可解開 . )
Full Arsenal
Reward: 30 G
Objective: You need to collect All Weapons and Weapon Parts
收集到全部武器及武器零件 .
Touch Not a Cat but a Glove
Reward: 50 G
Objective: You need to shoot all Maneki Neko cats in the game
收集到12隻招財貓 .
Hate Monger
Reward: 10 G
Objective: You need to customize a weapon to high aggro
( 金光閃閃就對了. )
The Optimist
Reward: 5 G
Objective: You need to make a positive coop morality choice
好人好事 , 劇情選擇做好事 !
The Pessimist
Reward: 5 G
Objective: You need to make a negative coop morality choice
壞人惡事 , 劇情選擇做壞事 !
Reward: 30 G
Objective: You need to save every hostage
拯救每個人質 .
Secret Achievements: 祕密成就
Rock, Paper, Scissors
Reward: 5 G
Objective: Beat your partner at rock, paper, scissors three times in a row
對同伴按 Y ,玩剪刀.石頭.布連贏3次 .
Fancy Meeting You Here
Reward: 5 G
Objective: Versus: Invite a friend before joining a lobby to play a public match
在公開網路大廳 , 先邀請好友加入 , 再進入遊戲 !
Job Seeker
Reward: 10 G
Objective: Versus: In public matches, kill a player with the primary or secondary weapon from every weapon kit
在公開網路配對遊戲中 , 用主要武器或次要武器完整殺敵 .
( 在網路遊戲中,完整殺一名可得5分,用每種主要武器 [或次要武器],射殺敵人 [倒地4分] , 再補一槍 [1分] , 就是用槍打到敵人倒地 , 無法急救 . )
Reward: 10 G
Objective: Versus: Create a custom facemask online (www.armyoftwo.com) and wear it in a public match
用自製面具 , 一進入公開網路大廳 , 就可解開 .
Death Dealer
Reward: 10 G
Objective: Versus: Kill 10 players with headshots on a single map in a public match
在公開網路配對遊戲中 , 單一場遊戲地圖 , 爆頭10名敵人 .
Power Couple
Reward: 15 G
Objective: Versus: Earn the highest partnership score in a Co-op Deathmatch, Control or Warzone public match
在公開網路配對 ( 合作對戰 , 控制與戰區 ) 遊戲中 , 贏得伙伴關係最高分 .
( 多相互急救同伴 . )
Future Visions
Reward: 30 G
Objective: Unlock all Potential Futures
在故事模式中 , 選好人好事玩一次 , 再選壞人惡事玩一次 .
All Guns Blazing
Reward: 30 G
Objective: Versus: Kill a player with every weapon, including special weapons, in public matches
在公開網路配對遊戲中 , 各使用每種武器 , 包括特殊武器 ( 地圖內的火箭筒,榴彈砲 ) 每種武器必須殺敵 , 滿5分才算 .
Bound For Life
Reward: 30 G
Objective: Versus: In a public match, survive an Extraction map without suffering a single death on your team
在公開網路 "逃出生天模式" 遊戲中 , 在4人隊中 , 沒人死過一次 .
Survival of the Fittest
Reward: 50 G
Objective: Versus: Complete all 16 rounds of an Extraction game in a public match
在公開網路 "逃出生天模式" 遊戲中 , 完成16波攻擊 .
Big Game Hunting
Reward: 5 G
Objective: Versus: Kill both members of a single partnership during a public match
在公開網路配對遊戲中 , 殺敵對合作伙伴 , 兩人各一次 .
Fresh Meat
Reward: 5 G
Objective: Versus: Revive your partner and perform a partner reload during the same public match
在公開網路遊戲中 , 對受傷伙伴急救 , 還有跟伙伴補充彈藥 .
( 在網路遊戲上 , 站在同伴後面按 X ,可補充彈藥 . 急救按 X . ) 與故事模式急救按紐不同 !
Reward: 15 G
Objective: Build a gun using 3 homebrew parts
使用3個克難家用零件 , 自製改造槍 .
( 選改造槍 , 把槍裝上 [可樂罐"Soda Can" ,起子"Screwdriver",水果刀"Knife",任選一個 ]
[鐵管"Pipe Launcher 40MM" , 鋼板"Metal Plate",任選一個 ] [ 把手"Rusty Stock" ] 3個零件
Reward: 20 G
Objective: Make only negative choices
壞人惡事 , 完成全部關卡 , 劇情選擇做壞人!
Reward: 20 G
Objective: Make only positive choices
好人好事 , 完成全部關卡 , 劇情選擇做好人!
King of the Hill
Reward: 30 G
Objective: Versus: Win a public match on every map in Co-op Deathmatch, Control and Warzone
在公開網路配對的6張地圖( 合作對戰,控制與戰區 ) 遊戲中,打贏每一場 !
( 中途加入或開場者中途離開 , 都不算 ! )